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Hyundai Santa Fe : Valance, Rear

To find your Hyundai Santa Fe valance, rear from a RECYCLER NEAR YOU, just enter the YEAR of your vehicle and your ZIP code in the above form and press the "FIND" button. (What you see below is a previous search for a Hyundai Santa Fe valance, rear and does not include all the valance, rear s in YOUR area.)

Year, Model Description Miles Grade Stock Price Recycler Location
2002 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate 4DR, SUV,GY-RZ, 7D, 5D 78000 800046 $350.00 George's Auto Parts (866) 795-2911 x58658 Bridgeport, CT
2001 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate GOLD J11508 $437.75 SEYMOUR AUTO WRECKING (866) 795-2911 x59703 Seymour, CT
2004 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate WHT WO RRWIPER L11699 $412.00 SEYMOUR AUTO WRECKING (866) 795-2911 x59703 Seymour, CT
2006 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate 3 TINYDINGSSTILLDECENT 51000 3171 $303.00 PETRILLO'S USED AUTO PARTS INC. (866) 795-2911 x63130 New Haven, CT
2001 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate 06-01,000, RED 109966 4518 $353.50 PETRILLO'S USED AUTO PARTS INC. (866) 795-2911 x63130 New Haven, CT
2003 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate 3-03 BLUENICE, 000 85273 3531 $353.50 PETRILLO'S USED AUTO PARTS INC. (866) 795-2911 x63130 New Haven, CT
2005 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate BLU NICE000 104901 3900 $353.50 PETRILLO'S USED AUTO PARTS INC. (866) 795-2911 x63130 New Haven, CT
2003 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate 11-02,000, BLU 83191 3615 $353.50 PETRILLO'S USED AUTO PARTS INC. (866) 795-2911 x63130 New Haven, CT
2003 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate 0303, SUV,BLACK,NICE 52305 090475 $303.00 TOM'S FOREIGN AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x59294 Waterbury, CT
2002 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate WHT,W/WIPE,MINOR 1CCL/S EDGE y083p $400.00 Aaron Auto Supply Corp. (866) 795-2911 x34240 Medford, NY
2003 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SILVER, 4DR, 1.0 HR C25 Call Medford Auto Wreckers (866) 795-2911 x02599 Medford, NY
2003 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SILVER, 4DR, PW,PL, 1.5HR P24867 Call Medford Auto Wreckers (866) 795-2911 x02599 Medford, NY
2003 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SILVER, 4DR, PW,PL, Z131 Call Medford Auto Wreckers (866) 795-2911 x02599 Medford, NY
2003 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SILVER, 4DR, PW,PL, Z133 Call Medford Auto Wreckers (866) 795-2911 x02599 Medford, NY
2003 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SILVER, 4DR, PW,PL, P24934 Call Medford Auto Wreckers (866) 795-2911 x02599 Medford, NY
2001 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate BROWN, 4DR, PW,PL, P25293 Call Medford Auto Wreckers (866) 795-2911 x02599 Medford, NY
2002 SANTAF Decklid Tailgate LOCAL SALEMBS WHT/NU- Rr wiper 3hr C A1118 $206.00 BREWSTER AUTO RECYCLING (866) 795-2911 x04884 Brewster, NY
2005 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate ****HANDLEONLY**** AC7057 Call CHUCK AND EDDIE USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x62872 Plantsville, CT
2002 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SUV, 3P1,4P1 197734 AC9870 $309.00 CHUCK AND EDDIE USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x62872 Plantsville, CT
2001 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate MAROON 1D22L1 5S1SEE NOTES NOF $309.00 CHUCK AND EDDIE USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x62872 Plantsville, CT
2001 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SUV, 6D1,4D1 AC9005 $309.00 CHUCK AND EDDIE USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x62872 Plantsville, CT
2001 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SUV, PAINTPEEL 122354 AC9767 $309.00 CHUCK AND EDDIE USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x62872 Plantsville, CT
2004 SANTAF Decklid Tailgate Y RrwiperBLACK EXT- Rr wiper A X12005 $257.50 WEBSTER USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x59195 Terryville, CT
2002 SANTAF Decklid Tailgate Y RrwiperBLUISHGREEN 5P1- Rr wiper 1hr A X04502 $412.00 WEBSTER USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x59195 Terryville, CT
2001 SANTAF Decklid Tailgate Y w/rrwiperBRONZE EXT000-w/rr 0hr A CFCV16 108 $412.00 WEBSTER USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x59195 Terryville, CT
2001 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SUV, BLUE,AWD, Tint,PW, PL,Elec 999999999 4457 Call J C RECYCLING INC. (866) 795-2911 x57527 Meriden, CT
2006 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate SUV,SILVER,SOMESCRATCHES 20000 4497 Call J C RECYCLING INC. (866) 795-2911 x57527 Meriden, CT
2004 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate MROON, SCRATCHES 62312 4779 Call J C RECYCLING INC. (866) 795-2911 x57527 Meriden, CT
2002 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate WGN,MAROON,SCRATCHES 138000 5052 Call J C RECYCLING INC. (866) 795-2911 x57527 Meriden, CT
2006 SANTA FE Decklid Tailgate Black,MinorDents,C-Images 7146 $309.00 A-RITE USED AUTO PARTS (866) 795-2911 x55919 New Britian, CT

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