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Auto Recycling Just Makes Sense!
You're looking for parts for your auto, truck or motorcycle. Have you looked at any of the automotive recyclers in your area?
There are many great reasons besides lower prices to buy used car parts from automotive recyclers!
Auto recycling helps save our environment, and insures that raw materials aren't wasted to create new auto parts. Additionally, buying used parts from auto recyclers helps prevent all the possible pollution associated with manufacturing new parts.
Auto salvage yards recycle 4 million vehicles annually (in the United States and Canada alone). It is estimated this saves approximately 11 million gallons of oil which would have been used to manufacture new parts had the auto recycling not been utilized.
Automotive recyclers are subject to very strict local and national environmental regulations. Many of our Hotlines members take extra steps to insure that they are not polluting their environments.
Recycling the parts from the vehicles saves on valuable landfill space.
Buying used car parts from automotive recyclers puts quality Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) parts back on your car. Unlike many "Aftermarket" parts, recycled parts are of the same quality as the parts they are replacing. Think about it. Your vehicle is already running on quality used parts.
You get great cost savings! If you are interested in discount auto parts, recycled car parts are your best choice.
Most of the parts from the automotive recyclers on our network come with a warranty.
The majority of auto recyclers can often locate parts faster than new parts dealers because their businesses are connected by technology like the Hotlines Network.
Choosing recycled auto parts decreases insurance rates by enabling insurance companies to recover their losses by selling their totaled vehicles to the auto salvage yards.
Auto recycling keeps highways and roads clear of abandoned and disabled vehicles by providing a place to deposit these vehicles.
Following are some available facts about the North American automotive recycling industry from the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) the industry's international trade organization. *
The gross annual revenues in the auto recycling industry exceed an estimated $15 billion.
Annually salvage yards acquired over 10 million vehicles for the purpose of auto recycling.
An estimated 11 million gallons of oil and 6 million tires were recycled in 1997.
Automotive recyclers spent nearly $50 million on environmental compliance in 1997.
The majority of auto salvage yards use a computerized inventory system.
These auto recyclers provide wholesale and retail customers' quality recycled auto parts that sell for up to 50% less than the comparable new auto parts.
Auto recyclers employ over 46,000 people at more than 6,000 businesses in the United States.
An estimated 86% of auto salvage yards are full-service and employ 10 or fewer people.
*Most recent ARA statistical data regarding the automotive recycling industry. Data compiled from a 1997 survey by the private consulting firm, Axiom Research Company.